Thursday, February 19, 2004

Violent Culture

This Sunday V and I watched this program on Showtime called "Bowling For columbine" by Michael Moore. We both were instantly drawn to it. This documentary was speaking our thoughts and we couldn't believe it. Our perceptions, not exactly on the gun/violent culture but on various other aspects of the American society. Why is it that the kids are more spoilt here than the other developed nations..why so much violence, prejudice, nepotism etc etc. Humans are media made..we believe what we see. And its a fact that atleast 2 out of every 4 channels in the U.S show programs on reality shows, court programs called Judge Mathis, Judge Brown whatever. Cases of child molestations, abuse, parent abuse, drugs are all that is ever addressed. Maybe it is reality but showing it all the time does not teach a kid not to do just influences all the more. be continued