Thursday, February 19, 2004

"I barely survived yesterday and it is already today." Every day is a survival. Perhaps I don't have a diversion now, that makes me take work so seriously. You give too much damn to work, and all you get back is bs. I'm attempting to learn English language better - I'm not good at it or perhaps I read between the lines too much. Some people have a way with their words - chk out this harmless sentence below..
"Can we redirect the .......... page?"

There are 2 ways to interpret this...Either respond in monosyllable answers with "yes" or "no" or just do it. If you respond with "yes" and don't get an answer, the question next day will be ..well it was asked to be done yesterday. And if you do it then the question is, I was just asking if that was possible..I didn't ask you to do it. Whatever... did you know
10 managers/1 developer is the new ratio. This sentence I read in the Tribune the other day might sound funny but is true - 3 people out of every 4 in a cubicle are expected to think out of the box :)

So resolutions from today for me -

1. Don't take an initiative.
2. Take it easy when there is a fire...Don't offer to put it out. Firefighting is not a part of the job description.
3. There is a night for everyone in every part of the world - respect it.
4. Job ends at 5:00 unless there is an emergency.
5. It wasn't a coindence that there are 2 ears and one mouth. So I have to listen more than I talk.

This is really cool if I can practice it even for a day.