Cellphones and Water - not made for each other

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It turns out that water is very hostile to Cellphones. But it was too late when I learnt my lesson that phones don't need a wash! If you promise not to call me stupid, then go ahead read the rest of the entry! Sunday afternoon I was replacing bedsheets. My month old Nokia 2660 which was on the bed went along with the soiled bedsheet to the floor. I made a mental action item that I should put the phone in my bag. A few minutes later, forgetting that the phone was still in the heap, I deposited the soiled bedsheets in the washing machine. My brother called up a little later and obviously I couldn't hear it - damn silent mode! Complaining he called on the land line and asked if I had vowed never to attend his call (I don't ever seem to pick his calls because of silent mode). Even now it didn't strike me where the phone was.

An hour later, I put 2 handfuls of Surf (a washing detergent) and filled the water in the washing machine. On second thoughts, I closed the tap and decided I would wash later. V was very kind to start it again and take the responsbility of doing the laundry that day. He started the 30 min washing cycle a few minutes later and stood gazing at the machine and commented "Don't you hear a weird noise today? Maybe our machine has trouble." Flaunting the expert I was, I said, "No thats ok. It is normal. It is just this vibrating board." The washing and rinsing cycle were over. A couple of hours later we were leaving for lunch and I groped for the cellphone in my bag. In an instant I knew what I had done and ran to the washer and fished for the phone. There it was wrangled in my bedsheet and water dripped out of it! V couldn't beleive what I had done.

Following it I did all the dont's one is supposed not to for a wet phone. Took out the battery and dried with a hair dryer and placed the battery again. It short circuited. Boom baam boom. 3 burnt circuits. I then took the post mortemed phone to the place where I bought it from. 2 days later it is still undergoing surgery. Very little hope of it making it after a tumbling detergent wash ...If it survives, then I will let you know. A Rs.5000 worth stupidity by me and am feeling soooooo bad and blogging this wasn't the wise decision either....