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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I discovered a great blog called HR's Brand New Experience and this is going on my blogroll now. Read this post -- "are you being left behind?" from the blog. Reading it is liking taking a peek inside an idealistic HR's head. Excerpts from a related article --

A new Digital Divide is emerging between the Digirati (those that write blogs, use Firefox, read Boing Boing, use rss aggregators, etc.) vs. the "left behind" (who use IE, get their news from traditional media, don't know what rss means, etc.)

I loved this sentence. I think corporate blogging is very important and an awareness of blogs and WiKis is very essential in selling a brand - be it with your employees, suppliers or customers. If there is a productive alternative to doing a job, then you are better off embracing it rather than playing by the rules -- that I call "the policy game"! Gone are the IE days. It is the FF era. In every organisation there has to be a digital drive that focuses on the latest trends, the implications of not adopting them and how to capitalise them for brand promotion among other things. More than anything else, it is about the bridging the gap with the digi kids.