
Thursday, May 26, 2005

Yo! 3gtoday website is live today. 3gtoday, a free website, by Qualcomm, highlights all the commercial third generation wireless devices and services offered around the world. The site has a comprehensive list of all the 3G operators and the applications and services provided by them. If you are someone who does a lot of gorundwork on the features a phone provides before buying one, then this is the site to go to.
The project in itself was a great initiative and came with its set of challenges - intimidating technologies on an unknown platform and a highly demanding customer who knew what they were talking about (no bullshit). If you are in the job of developing software, then you know what I mean by that last comment! I'm proud to have been associated with this project and the fact that I can openly talk about it now.
This project was close to me for various reasons - it tested my perseverance, the patience to tackle technology and people at distributed locations, learning to say "NO" when required and most important of all - it changed my career forever.

Check out the site and lemme know what you think..oh especially the devices and search. Believe me its cool!