Saturday, July 31, 2004

The weekend took off to a lazy start after a hetic day at work ysterday. Felt as if I had worked for 16 hours after spending a no-break 9 hours at work. I was on the edge and felt how it would be nice if everyone ........... well... There is nothing like a nice cup of Mocha Frappuccino and walk back home on a cool summer evening (probably a bike ride would have helped more) to calm the agitated mind :)

Tuberose (known as Rajnigandha in India) has a pleasant floral fragrance that continues to produce itself for days unlike other flowers. It is my favorite flower and I was surprised to see it this morning here. Reminded of the old times how V earned his nickname "florist" by sending me LARGE boquets of flowers once a week, I bought myself a few and my apartment is smelling good :)