Thursday, May 20, 2004

Random Thoughts

I'm really impressed with the transition that Blogger has gone through. The user interface for editing/managing posts and creating a blog has got a huge facelift that it has no resemblance to its earlier version. Good work!

I was surprised to see what a Gmail account is worth. Read this article. Blogger invites active bloggers to sign up and that's how I got mine. I created mine about a month back and had forgotten about it until I read the controversy surrounding privacy invasion and how ads relevant to the keywords in one's mail are displayed in Gmail. There's something about Google that keeps it in the limelight constantly. Check this one on search for the term "Jew" and Google's explanation of the same.

Today was another tough day. The nightmarish pattern for Thursday's continues...Dad left today for a brief trip to the West Coast. I don't know how I will react when he leaves on Tuesday from here. It will be sad and it is further sad that I'm not so open as I would like to be. I wish I could just tell him that having him here was fun and it will be disheartening to see him leave. I should start conversing better with real people than with computers.