Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Dad left this evening. I was very sad until I spoke to Mom now and she cheered me up! I feel so much better now. Retrospecting the events over this past 1 month, the questions I was asked has got me into thinking.

"Is everything so easy for you now?"
"Don't you care about anything anymore?"
"Is this take-everything-lightly attitude right?"
"Have you lost respect for others feelings?"
"Isn't this I-know-it-better attitude a sign of arrogance?"

I don't have answers for any of these questions. Upon introspection I know one thing for sure - I have changed and changed drastically in the past 2 years. It has got nothing to do with coming here. The biggest influencing factor for the change in my perception of everything and how I do what I do is 1 person. His characteristics are beginning to show in my character. I'm surprised at how much they have affected me until Dad pointed them out to me and though I was initially upset about all this criticism everyday, thinking more about it I don't think we was wrong. The careless attitude stems from doing things and staying by myself.

Things for me to remember and follow:

1. Don't forget your roots. You got here because of his efforts. You saw the world thr his eyes until a few years back so don't show off that you are old enough to show him the world. Doesn't hurt to keep his ego boosted and continue seeing the world thr his eyes if that makes him happy!

2. Criticism from parents is for one's own good..they will NEVER say anything that will hurt the kids. Remember they have an edge - they are more 'experienced'.

3. Don't take them for granted. Their patience wears off too as they are aging. They have been patient all these years, now its your turn. Save that smile you put up thr the day for all the strangers to the people who matter the most! It will make them happy.
Their expectations from you are very little. Live up to those and don't disappoint. Its the least they are asking for.

4.How you perceive things might have changed with years. Thats what is given the fancy term - "Generation Gap". Try explaining and don't belittle them.