Sunday, April 18, 2004

Spring is finally here- it looks like Spring and feels like one too. I came here around the same time last year and it was cold in Boston and raining all the time. However, it is so beautiful here and that is the only best part about this weekend. I wish V was here this weekend. Whenever he is here, it is cold.
I don't want to remember this weekend. Coming to terms with reality was tough. Ignoring it by thinking it didn't happen to us was foolishness. After all there are very bad people in this world who do really mean things. It is stupid on one's part to trust anybody just like that. I was really upset and very sad yesterday about the huge loss. I am trying to come to peace with it - took a long bike ride along the lake shore, went to meet a friend today - diversion is helping. Need to stay away from the comp so as NOT to remind myself about it.