Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Bizarre Mind

Nighouts are back! We worked until the wee hours this morning doing some testing. It felt good to come back to an empty office at 9:00 p.m. and work (or solve Rubik Cube) at peace. It is fun to do System Administration once in a while, especially when Web server/Directory Server tuning/administration was my strength 2 years back. I had a rough day yesterday and had composed a very strong post on processes only to delete it a few mins later as V's and my opinions differed. Chk this out - The Immaturity of CMM. The term "Organised Chaos" has been playing in my mind since yesterday morning for some reason. As a coincidence, came across the Fictionary site via Google Blogoscoped. One word for organized Chaos - Plandemonium!
I'm in a state of trance after these nightouts - with sudden bursts of freshness and tiredness. I got the best haircut(but the ones mom used to give) ever today. Thanks to V for encouraging me to be indulgent once in a while - after all this is what we earn for.

2 Books I'm currently reading:

1. The Seven-Day Weekend by Ricardo Semler - great book with impractical(?) solutions.
2. Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers - this book caught my eye at the Powell's City of books @ Portland (which btw is one of the best book stores I've ever been to). Nice Girls..talks about the behavioral patterns of women and their responses to common situations. I realized I do 30% of those mistakes. "Sabotage" is a rather strong word - I'd rather say growing up the career ladder could be accelerated if it were not for those mistakes.