At 6 months, LG becomes the friendly neighbourhood spiderman

Monday, June 18, 2007

I am back with another edition of Lil General's chronicle - this time it is the half yearly special.

He has earned the nickname "Gadhdhari bheem" from his dad, The Seniol.

Just 2 days before he could officially complete 6 months, happened "The Great fall" or call it "The Giant leap" off the bed to become the friendly neighbourhood spider man. Will someone please teach my son that one has to start crawling, then walking before flying? And that rolling over and over is good but not on the bed.

This was also a month of concerts - the sweet sounds that rhymed with those of Koel, the bird that stays in the next door tree and wakes us up at 6:53 a.m. sharp every morning with her "coo,coo". Matching her songs are those of LG's at 7:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. - the tickets were sold out for a good week.

LG in the meantime got introduced to his another set of grandparents.

The family also witnessed a series of poop episodes came in all colors, sizes and shapes - green,watery being the famous one that took to us every Paediatrician in town until one sane one said, "Relax baby. 50 or 100 times is also fine and I do not promised any miracle." But he did perform a miracle and it stopped.

There was an addition to the family - Buci, the white teddy bear from South Africa.

The boy enjoys music and is selective about it too. The flavor changes week after week. It was the blues first with BB King. Now he goes bonkers listening to Jimi Hendrix and gets mad every time someone turns off the music.

He is more interested in the food I eat and the tea I drink than his apple, carrots and Nestum.

The past two months he has probably had more medicines than food. That kinda explains why the first spoon is always a struggle.

His love for the fan above is quite high.

Two pearls of white - lower teeth made their appearance. On their way out, they caused a lot of trouble and I suspect the upper 4 are on their way too.