Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Confused State

I'm in a confused state of mind. When you stay too long in a place, you become an inherent part of the system so much so that you don't know how to get out of it. I am in a similar situation now. I need to get my reasons straight and think clearly and not be carried away with all the wisdom that is coming my way now(just for the record they are all absolutely right in what they are saying and doing so in my best intersts and that of the orgn). Should one carry a guilt feeling when one decides to leave after a long time? Does the emotional baggage that comes with this comfort package make it difficult? I'm puzzled ...all this started off as an experiment to estimate my market value. A very costly experiment that has left me drained...I just need a break and gather my thoughts and not give any reasons for my actions but just do it....

Probably none of this gibberish made any sense to you all but I feel better having written it down...