Thursday, November 06, 2003

Mundane updates
Movie lunches - a new concept started at work. In the conference room, a movie is played in 2 parts on consecutive days. It was "Office Space" this time. I missed the previous part played yesterday. Tim updated me on what happened in the first part . He had warned me a long time back that the movie has a lot of swearing, but i didn't mind. It is fun to watch a movie @ work, sad that not all people turn up. I liked this particular dialogue in the movie - "I can never be happy with my job. But if you are with me, i can be happy with my life".
I'm in a very bad today - can't pinpoint the reason or whats causing these strange mood swings. Nothing actually happened. Nothing is missing in life this morning. Everything is just the same as it has been for months. I suspect the cause for this is because the time's approaching. Its so strange that i wake up one morning and don't feel like talking to anybody, just snap at people in meetings , can't take bullshit, and can't stand when somebody else tries to act smart by answering my questions - why the hell can't people mind their own business!

Ayways i just want the day to get over. A friend reminded me of V last night and i missed him so much. At times i feel its better if no one makes a mention of him because i know what the situation is and i try to live with it. When someone mentions it this stupid cranky lil brain of mine starts processing analysing and lo - i feel bad!