Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A stop at the Physician's office

It was a unplanned visit to the physician's office this afternoon during lunch hours. The throat congestion has been bothering me a lot and the situation worsens every night. Being new to the neighborhood and not acquainted with any doctor, I rejected the idea of consulting a doctor for 3 days now. Walking through the corridors down for lunch, I looked at the Healthcare center and recalled my previous visits there. So I stopped by and requested for a consultation with a general physician. I waited at the lounge while this doctor-like person about 55-60 years crossed into the diagnostics room 2 times. The conversation between a doctor and patient is confidential. Yet I cannot resist blogging about this wacko..

I was summoned inside the doctor's room after 10 mins. My "hello" was greeted with a stern "Sit Down".

Dr: "Why were you waiting for so long at the lounge? Were you thinking if you should come in or not?"

Me: "No. I was told to wait until sent in."

sounds of me coughing..

Dr: "What the hell is wrong with your nose?"

Me: "My throat hurts."

Dr: "How old are you?"

I reply..

more private questions follow...

I'm fuming already at this insane man...

Dr: "Where are you from? And why are you working here? did you not find a job at your place?"

I'm thinking this is it..one more question and I'm going to hurt this man..

He starts getting nicer..praises the surgery done by an earlier doctor. Advises on the precautions I need to take and also advises 2 days of rest. Not for the sole reason that I need rest but his humanitarian side takes the better of him...his concern for my co-workers not contracting the infection

Well I'm thinking this is it. And he surprises me with his next question..

"Your name is a Hindu. Why are you talking like a Christian?"

In an attempt to ignore and discourage him, I said "I don't know."
He responds with a "you should know. how does your husband talk? "

huh..this was it. He hands me the prescription at this point. I said bye and walked out. I need to find a sane doctor soon.