Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Alien American Policies
I was watching the Lou Dobbs Tonight show on CNN this evening. Sensitive issues such as burgeoning number of illegal immigrants, exporting jobs that are rocking corporate and political America were addressed in the show.

The show started with 2 Republican congressmen disputing over the law governing stay of illegal immigrants' and the failure in enforcing those laws. Statistics show that there are over 8 million illegal immigrants in the United States. A staggering figure indeed! It is unbelievable that a country like the United States with all its technological and military power is unable to enforce border control and stop infiltration of illegal immigrants. Common sense says that these people could not have entered the country were it not for the officials/system turning a blind eye to their presence. Lets face the fact. While one faction boldly accepts that these illegal immigrants are essential to the functioning of the municipal system, the rest of them are too scared to face the fact. As the Lou Dobbs show interviewed a person in San Antonio (one among the 8 million) whose days starts at 3:00 a.m. (while the rest of the Americans have just hit bed a couple of hours earlier, after those late partying nights) and ends at 2:00 p.m. He drives the garbage truck and makes 160 trips on an average in a day. While the garbage companies went on strike in Chicago for a week, the city started stinking because of the trash overflowing in the cans along the streets. The system came to a halt. These people might be illegal but they are part of the society because the society needs them!

Exporting jobs : The furor about exporting American jobs to Asia is so prevalent - the next sensitive topic!
Fact : On an average over a million jobs are exported to countries in Asia every year.
Reason : America is not philantrophic to export jobs. It is for economic reasons. The same job is accomplished in a fewer bucks in Asia than here. Give less, get more policy.
Its a competitive market and couldn't have lasted this long if Asians were not

a) intelligent
b) kept pace with the demanding American managers
c) hardworking
d) had a no-nonsense-on-the-job attitude

Over the years, more and more American companies are setting up their Research and Development centers in Asian cities.
"Outsourcing" as it is commonly called is not new anymore. Any company that has not setup its center is considered late to join the race and is a loser. The latest one to join the race is Google. As it was rightly written in a news web site that "a development is frequently oversimplified as outsourcing". The American companies are in awe of the engineering talent that they are setting up "R&D" divisions and not just stopping with customer service centers.

Though the Asian companies hence the economy and hence the people and their standard of living are benefited by this outsourcing, there is a downside to it. No on is to blame but the Asians. Their behavioral pattern is so predictable and stems from their nature. Here is how a American and an Asian would respond to a typical situation:

Day : Friday night
Problem : A high critical system that earns the company its revenues is on the verge of a breakdown. It needs assistance.
Occasion : A important religious holiday in Asia. The following weekend is a important holiday in the United States.

No one has asked for anything yet. All the following statements are voluntary responses.
1. I'll stay awake and see what the problem is.
2. Even if I'm up the whole night, I'll stay up tomorrow morning as well. (ofcourse he/she is a robot and can indeed work 36 hours in a row. While god created humans he inserted a chip in Asians that made them robots)

All the following statements are NOT voluntary responses. They are answers to questions on their availability:

1. You will have to let me know when you will call. (How intelligent, if I knew when the problem would occur then I wouldn't be a human at all..I would be one of those dumb machines)
2. It is a important holiday and I would spend it with my family. So I'm not available.

Inference : Work is worship for an Asian. FFF (Family, Friday and Festivals) do not hold more significance than a job on hand. Impressing a American manager is what one strives for all the time. I fail to understand why! They are humans after all , so why strive so hard. Agreed its a difficult economy and to hold onto a job is all the more touch but not at the cost of sacrificing one's self-esteem. The word "No" comes reluctantly to a Asian. How sad!
What they forget that their actions over the years set an expectation. What they also forget that they represent a community that is alien to this nation. Any member of that community, thereafter is expected to act on the patterns set by his/her predecessors - in short act as robots. Its TIME that this changed!
Well, I'm not criticisng either side. While I appreciate an American's respect to life and an Asian's dedication to his job, both need to bring about a balance to have a long standing animosity-free business relationship.

Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way. V tries his best to teach me diplomacy and I strive hard NOT to learn it. Diplomat and I - makes me laugh.