Friday, December 19, 2003

Festive Mood
The festive mood in the United States reminds me of Diwali/Deepavali - the festival of lights. During the holidays here - the streets are illuminated beautifully with lights, people buying gifts for each other, kids awaiting eagerly to open their presents and a break from school reminds me of Diwali. When I was a kid we would goto Madurai every year to celebrate Diwali and granny would present us with the new clothes. Well, until I was in my 8th std I remember getting new dresses only 3 times in a year - for my bday, then during the summer vacation and then for Diwali. So Diwali meant a great deal as granny, mom dad and cousin would get together - a small family get together but a memorable one.
This year I missed Diwali but am happy again in this festive mood. This whole week has been full of lunches and dinners that my poor stomach is pleading to spare it of any more junk food (junk because anything other than homemade food doesn't suit me really well). Monday was dinner with R and P, Tuesday was a business lunch, Wednesday with S, Friday at Klay Oven. Today's lunch was fun because it was Indian cuisine and so many people were apprehensive about coming over. They have got this preconceived notion of Indian food being spicy. But I guess once they tried, they enjoyed it.

Yesterday was the official Christmas Party at work that I missed, so sad. Guess all the people had a lot of fun. While they were drinking and dancing, I was reading Good To Great and watching back to back series of Friends. Its too early to comment on "Good to Great". I have just started reading. Every time I finish a Nora Roberts/Sandra Brown novel, I decide that will be my last one. But before I know I start looking for a new one. They cheer me up and they are my best friends after I get back home.

The past 2 weeks really sucked as I couldn't talk to V. My temper/anger/frustration - in short all the -ve emotions reached their peak and its so sick that I don't have anyone to talk to. Most of my anger stems from one person and I know I'm not being unreasonable. The past few days have boosted my confidence tremendously too as I know whatever I suggest is never wrong. I don't bullshit and I don't really want to give a damn too if anyone acknowledges it or not. I have also made a conscious decision of stopping myself from suggesting anything for they fall on deaf ears most of the times. After a good 1 months time some TDH (my abbreviated version of Tom Dick and Harry) will suggest the same thing and it will be implemented. I don't lose anything...losers are those who don't listen..let the firefighting continue!