Thursday, March 11, 2004

31st August 1997

The memory of that Sunday morning is still clear. Home for the weekend from college, I was woken up by mom early morning that Princess Diana had met with a car accident. Mom has a habit of following news so closely everyday, irrespective of where she is. To add to it, she was such a big fan of the princess. We were glued to the TV that morning tying to absorb the terrible news. There is something with the British monarchy and most former colonies of England. The resentment built over the years perhaps leads to following every move of the monarchy and reveling in their bad publicity. But such was not the case with Princess Diana from the beginning. She was widely admired, mostly for her beauty but also for her quality to be bale to reach out the common people. Bad news concerning her rocked over and over again - separation, Prince Charles relationship with Camilla, Princess's alleged relationships with her trainer - all these finally culminating in the most tragic of all, her death in a car crash. No one will ever know who was responsible.

Now, more than 6 years later, NBC is broadcasting a 2 part series called "Princess Diana: the Secret Tapes". As she narrates the distress she was enduring in her marriage, it brings back fond memories of the princess - allegedly the most photographed woman in the world. Its a shame that life of someone so beautiful had to end the way it did.