Wiki - Revolutionizing work place communication!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

What is Wiki>
Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslink between internal pages on the fly.
Click here to read more about it..

Is Wiki the right choice for you?
Leading projects that demand daily communication between cross-functional teams to resolve issues?
Managing many projects simultaneously?
Part of a onsite-offshore or a distributed team setup?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then you are a victim of e-mail phobia. Walking into work every morning to see hundreds of unread e-mails overwhelms anyone. Especially when the responsibility lies on your shoulders to step in when a discussion is going haywire and your team is looking upto you. Common trend indicates that it takes about 7 e-mails on an average for a simple issue to get resolved. And if you are part of the onsite-offshore model it is another Herculean task to collate the discussion from various e-mails and send the relevant ones!

It is time to try WiKi then! This is where Wiki steps in. It collaborates content making it easy to follow a discussion than browse thr tens of e-mails to track a thread. Content is decentralized making it accessible to the relevant parties. Since the discussion is on a web page it is accessible from any where and does not require any additional software to edit the web pages. Different Wiki pages can be set up for different projects.

There are some disadvantages of using Wiki.
a) It is not the right forum where discussions require authorization or approval - but the final approval can always be done thr a e-mail.
b) The content in a page can be edited by anyone who is a user of the system. Certain WiKi systems provide administrators with the privilege to allow/reject edits to the pages. This however is less likely to happen when the users of a system are responsible. Moreover any content that is tampered with can be tracked down by viewing the change history.

All set to try Wiki?
Testing WiKi - Simple WiKi
WiKi Syntax
WiKiEngines- if you want to set your own WiKi

When I first read about WiKi, the first question that crossed my mind was, "How is it different from a group weblog?" Read this to see how