Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I had a great weekend. People who know me really well sense something is wrong if I'm quiet for more than 10 mins. And it was so unusual to be quiet the whole Saturday. I just didn't speak. But I knew V was observing and analyzing and calculating his next move. It reached a point when he could take no further and confronted what was going on inside my lil head. Obviously work of the past week was bothering me so much. Frustration gave way to anger which in turn made me use profane language that I generally don't. A strange feeling that I was probably estranging more people hit me hard. I wasn't coping and managing with the situation well at all. After a good talk with him, I started feeling good. Two things he said made a lot of sense. One - never fight a man's ego, you're never going to win the race. Two - have you ever wondered why America has never had a female president? Why are there fewer female CEOs? The fact is I wasn't fighting anyone's ego. Yes if pointing out facts as they are hurts someone, then it does make sense. And that was probably what was happening.

Sunday, we went ice skating. No actually ice walking. It was an improvement from last time. I didn't hold on to the rails this time. Hope to do it better this weekend.

Despite the tremendous stress at work, it has been fun to get to work every morning. I love working with people who talk sense and T is one of them. So its not surprising that my adrenalin rush to solve the problem together is very high. Once I get back home, there is a vacuum after the frenzy activity and db digging of the whole day. Wonder how it will be once the problem gets solved!