Pain in the A*

Thursday, February 02, 2006

You wanna know who is a pain in all the places...all these kids from IIMs who think they are the smartest species on this planet. God, do I HATE these MBAs ? No offense to my MBA friends..

They love to talk and they love to argue even if it is leading nowhere just to have their way. And on most occassions it is a monologue. They love to hear their own voices. Can't ever take NO for an answer and carry a huge ego on their shoulders. Well, did I come on too strong? You know what is funny .... with a meagre experience of 0 or 2-3 years / zilch exposure to customers and a year or 2 of classroom sessions and cramming and case studies, you put them out there in the real corporate world to work on real projects. Ofcourse, all under the neatly packaged, fancy tag of "Business Analysts". Dishing out formulae and how PE ratio is calculated does not necessarily mean understanding technology. You know what B Schools perhaps lack - how to get that perfect blend of Business Knowledge and Technology.

And here I get a whole lecture on Value Addition to Customers. Give me a break! But I was determined today ..either my way or the highway! Not giving up so easily baby...