Secret Corner on the Web

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

There are times when you feel like punching the nose of someone (for the record I was never violent) or swearing out loud or blog about it with an identity. But one cannot do these for obvious reasons like keeping the job, out of courtesy etc. Some people take out their frustrations by writing on a piece of paper and when they are totally satisfied with the outcome, feel relaxed and get back to normalcy!

I discovered one such site called iWorkWithFools this morning. It is slightly similar in concept to the famous/infamous blog Post Secret but not as picturesque as it. This site has people anonymously describing their experiences at work with tough/dumb/moron (or as the site calls "fools" that I disagree with) peers, subordinates and bosses. I read a few posts and then said to myself "Vivek is right. I'm insane to be reading this and poop stories. I definitely have better things to do in life." I hate to agree but some experiences were what some of us encounter in our everyday work life too but gossip about only in private! So much of animosity, hatred is demotivating to read!